General Information
More information on:
1. Access to The School
We want to keep our school safe for our students. All visitors/parents must register their presence at the Security Post at the front gate and obtain a Visitor Sticker. The sticker is valid for visiting the school bookshop and General Office only. The Visitor Sticker shall be worn within the school premises for easy identification by staff and students.
Nobody is allowed to access any other parts of the school premises without prior permission from the General Office.
2. Morning Drop-Off & Vehicle Decal
Parents who drive students to school will be allowed to drop them off along the sheltered walkway within school grounds until 7.25 a.m. Parents should not alight or park their car within the school grounds as parking lots are reserved for season parking only. Please adhere strictly to the school regulations of not driving more than 15 km/h within the school grounds. Exhibit greater care and patience while driving in the school premises.
Students who walk to school should enter the school via the sheltered walkway/Side Gate 1/Side Gate 3 to the bistro, and should not take a shortcut across the car park.
3. Safety Around The School
Students entering the school should walk along the designated walkway provided (See Safe Route to School below). Students should queue when buying food in the Bistro and when they are boarding their respective school buses. Students should also use the school facilities in the way they are intended for, and exercise care and caution at all times. All students should walk quietly around the school. When the lightning risk alert system is activated, students should stay indoors and avoid all outdoor activities.
4. School Dismissal
All students can be dismissed via the Main Gate, Side Gate 3 (near Bistro) or Side Gate 7 (near ISH). Parents should work out an agreed meeting point with their children. For the safety of all students, parents should wait at the designated void decks of the HDB flats so as to avoid congestion at the gates. Parents who are driving into the school to pick up their children can do so only after 1.45 p.m. or when all our school buses have left. Students should be waiting for their parents at the drop off point at Block A.
On CCA days, parents/caregivers will pick the students from the main gate. They may wait at the Security Post but will not be permitted to wait at the Bistro. For those who are driving, they may pick up their children from the Security Post or drive in only at 4 p.m. to pick up the students from drop off point at Block A. Parents should not alight and loiter in the Bistro or school grounds.

5. Outside the School
Students are to use the pedestrian crossing and obey traffic signals. They are to exercise care and caution when crossing the road, such as always look right, look left, look right again and raise the right hand before crossing the road.
6. Early Dismissal for Students who are Unwell
When a student is unwell, the school will contact the parent/guardian to pick the student up from the General Office. The parent/ guardian will need to report to the Security Post to register as a Visitor prior to picking the student from the General Office.
7. Insurance
The school provides basic insurance coverage for all students. Please click here for more information on the insurance product fact sheet. For claims, parents may go online to apply .
Parents may choose to buy additional coverage at their own discretions.
8. Emergency Evacuation Guidelines
When students hear the siren or bell ringing continuously, students are to:
Listen attentively to the announcement.
Stay calm and quiet.
Listen to all instructions given by the teacher.
Leave the class in an orderly manner.
Walk briskly to the Assembly Point. (See Safe Route to School above.)
9. Attendance
Students are expected to be regular in their attendance. The school cannot grant permission for vacation before the term ends. Please DO NOT book travel arrangements for the last days of the school term. If a student is absent from school, he/she has to produce a medical certificate (MC) or a letter from parents when he/she returns to class. The conduct grade of students absent without a valid reason will be affected.
10. Communication with Teachers/School
If parents need to meet any teacher, they may call and make an appointment, or leave a note with their children for the teachers. If parents need to see the teacher without a prior appointment, they can report to the General Office. Our staff will make the necessary arrangements.
In order not to disrupt curriculum time, parents are encouraged to schedule appointments with teachers only after school dismissal. With the 5 day work-week, the school seeks parents’ cooperation in not expecting teachers to respond to queries after 6.00 p.m. on weekdays and during weekends.
Should parents have any feedback, they may use the following channels of communication:
Matters Relating to: |
Please Contact: |
Subject / Class Matters |
Subject / Form Teachers |
Level / Curriculum / Departmental Programmes |
Year Heads / Assistant Year Heads / Heads of Department (HODs) / Subject Heads (SHs) / Level Heads (LHs) |
School Operations |
Operation Manager |
School Administration |
Administration Manager |
School Policies |
Principal / Vice Principals |
11. Change of Contact Information
Parents are to notify the school promptly if there is a change of address and/or telephone numbers. The school records will be updated accordingly. In case of emergencies, such information is vital.
12. Responsibility for Personal Properties
Students are expected to take care of their personal belongings. Lockers are provided in the school. Students may bring their own locks.
To address the issue of heavy school bags, students are expected to pack their bags on a daily basis and should bring the right books to school. As the school also hopes that the students will learn to take responsibility for their belongings, staff at the General Office will not accept forgotten items such as homework, wallets or water bottles from parents/caregivers to be delivered to the students.
13. Notices / Circulars
Parents will be informed of school programmes and updates via the Parents Gateway, the school website, bulletins, notices and morning announcements. Students are expected to be alert and attentive to the morning announcements so that they can relate accurate information to their parents/guardians. For CCA updates, students should refer to the CCA Notice Board.
14. Consent for Photography and Videos
Please note that in the course of your child/ward's journey in North Vista Primary School, photographs/videos may be taken of students taking part in school activities, events and/or competitions. As part of the school's outreach to parents and the wider community, these images may be posted or published through the various platforms such as Facebook, newsletters or other publications endorsed by the school. However, in order to safeguard our students at North Vista Primary School, no names of students will be used and photos of children may be used without identifying information. Parents will have to contact the school should they have any concerns.